Group photo

Research mission

Our lab works in the field of experimental condensed matter physics with the focus on spintronics. We design and fabricate magnetic heterostructures and nanodevices. Employing spectroscopic methods in the frequency range from DC to microwave to THz, we study spin dynamics and spin transport. Our goal is to better understand the interplay of spins, electrons, and lattice and to advance next-generation spintronic and quantum-information technologies. >>> research

Prospective group members

Are you interested in our research? Let us know and stop by our lab. >>> people

Teaching and outreach

Our lab develops outreach experiments for students and teachers. To attend our demostrations, visit us during outreach events (e.g. Highlander Day, Discovery Day, Long Night of Arts & Innovation) or schedule a lab tour.

Courses usually taught by Prof. Barsukov are General Physics PHYS040B (and honors), Electromagnetism PHYS135B, and Nanomagnetism & Spintronics PHYS235/MSE234B. Please visit UCR classes for the current and upcoming schedules.


Postal address:
Barsukov Group
UC Riverside, Physics
3401 Watkins Drive
Riverside, CA 92507

Laboratory location:
178 MSE building
tel: +1 951 827 5389

PI's office:
222 MSE building
tel: +1 951 827 5343

For visitors:
Annotated campus map
Google Maps
Interactive Campus map


Aug 2024: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the SPIE in San Diego.

Jun 2024: Our paper on Spin Inertia and Auto-Oscillations is published at Phys. Rev. Lett.

Jun 2024: Prof. Barsukov co-authors "The 2024 Magnonics Roadmap".

May 2024: Allison Tossounian receives Outstanding Senior Undergraduate Student Award. Congratulations, Allison!

Feb 2024: Audrey Ng receives UCR Undergraduate Grant to work on her project "Toward Optical Spectroscopy of Antiferromagnetic Nanostructures" in our lab. Congratulations, Audrey!

Dec 2023: Allison Tossounian completes her Undergraduate Research Study in our lab. Congratulations, Allison!

Dec 2023: Our work in collaboration with the Rice team on Terahertz Cavity Magnon Polaritons has been published in Advanced Optical Materials.

Apr 2023: Our comprehensive study on controlling magnon processes in 0D systems has been published in Phys. Rev. Appl.

Feb 2023: Arezoo defends her PhD thesis and joins Western Digital. Congratulations, Arezoo!

Jan 2023: We welcome Trevin Lee and Alex Hernandez as undergraduate researchers to our lab.

Oct 2022: Our lab and the Dept of Physics and Astronomy at this year's Long Night of Arts and Innovations. Our students inspire and educate hundreds of kids and adults in downtown Riverside.

Sep 2022: We welcome Audrey Ng and Sasha Korotneva to our group!

Aug 2022: How to tweak the "good old" FMR equations to describe inertial spin dynamics. Our collaborative paper is published in Phys. Rev. B.

Aug 2022: Magnon transport across AFM/FM interface leads to robust spin injection up to room temperature. Rudy's paper is published in Phys. Rev. Research.

Aug 2022: Arezoo and Rudy present their posters at the Magnonics 2022 conference in Oxnard, CA.

Aug 2022: Prof. Barsukov organizes and chairs the 7th International Conference on Magnonics in Oxnard, CA with 100 attendees from all over the world. More information at Arezoo, Rudy, Shirash, Rundong take active part on the local organizing committee.

Jun 2022: Diego, Travis, and Henry graduate with BSc in Physics. Congratulations!

Jun 2022: Allison receives Outstanding 2nd Year Undergraduate Award. Congratulations!

May 2022: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the 11th Spin-Caloritronics conference at UI Urbana-Champaign on spin-torque succeptibility in nonlinear magnetic systems.

May 2022: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited Condensed Matter Seminar at UC Los Angeles on spin currents in antiferromagnetic heterostructures.

May 2022: Shirash passes his Oral Qualifying Exam. Congratulations!

May 2022: Shirash receives the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the Graduate Division. Congratulations!

Apr 2022: Arezoo receives the DYP Award. Congratulations!

Mar 2022: Rudy receives the DYP Award. Congratulations!

Mar 2022: Prof. Barsukov presents an invited talk on spin dynamics in zero-dimensional systems at the APS March Meeting in Chicago, IL.

Mar 2022: Rudy, Arezoo, and Shirash present their talks at the APS March Meeting in Chicago, IL.

Jan 2022: Arezoo Etesamirad and Shirash Regmi present their talks at the MMM conference in New Orleans, LA.

Dec 2021: Arezoo Etesamirad wins the IEEE Magnetics Society Travel Award. Congratulations!

Nov 2021: Our collaborative paper on damping and tunable magnetic anisotropy by strain in EuIG has been accepted in Phys. Rev. Mater.

Oct 2021: Prof. Barsukov gives an invited seminar on "Interplay of nonlinearities and spin-torque" at the Online Spintronics Seminars

Sep 2021: Rodolfo Rodriquez receives the GAANN fellowship. Congratulations, Rudy!

Aug 2021: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the SPIE conference.

Aug 2021: Prof. Barsukov and Rodolfo Rodriguez are visiting Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf.

Aug 2021: Prof. Barsukov and Rodolfo Rodriguez are carrying out experiment at the University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Jul 2021: Shirash Regmi receives Al Staats Award for contructing low-temperature microwave spectrometer. Congratulations, Shirash!

Jul 2021: Arezoo Etesamirad receives Provost’s Scholar for the Advancement of Physical Sciences Fellowship. Congratulations, Arezoo!

Jun 2021: Arezoo Etesamirad receives the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 2020-2021 from the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Congratulations!

May 2021: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited colloquium at the Technical University Darmstadt and University Duisburg-Essen, Germany for the research center CRC 270 HoMMage.

Apr 2021: Arezoo Etesamirad receives the UCR Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 2020-2021. Congratulations!

Apr 2021: Our paper on controlling magnon interaction by a nanoscale switch has been published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

Apr 2021: Our paper on self-stabilizing spin transport by winding spin textures has been published in Phys. Rev. B.

Mar 2021: Arezoo Etesamirad delivers a talk at the APS March Meeting on Controlling Magnon Interaction in nanomagnets.

Jan 2021: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the 3D MAGiC Workshop for the Research Center Juelich, Germany.

Dec 2020: Arezoo Etesamirad receives APS student travel award. Congratulations!

Nov 2020: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the IEEE International Conference on "Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties".

Sep 2020: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the SPIE conference.

Aug 2020: Prof. Barsukov delivers a talk at the The 31st Magnetic Recording Conference.

Jul 2020: Our home-made high-field low-temperature microwave spectrometer goes online.

Jul 2020: Joshua Bocanegra receives UCR's CAMP Scholarship. Congratulations!

Jul 2020: Bassim Arkook defends his dissertation Spin Dynamics in Two-Magnet Systems and receives PhD degree. Congratulations, Dr. Arkook!

Jun 2020: Erik Hagen receives the Outstanding Senior Undergraduate Student Award. Congratulations!

Jun 2020: Erik Hagen, Ethan Jarquin, Grace Dodgen, Tyler Smith receives their BSc degrees at the graduation ceremony. Congratulations!

Jun 2020: Tyler Smith receives the the Outstanding Senior Undergraduate Student Award and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!

Jun 2020: Erik Hagen receives the Outstanding Senior Undergraduate Student Award. Congratulations!

May 2020: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk for the Academy of Ditinguished Teachers at UCR.

May 2020: The collaborative paper on freestanding microwave antenna devices has been published in Phys. Rev. Appl.

Mar 2020: The META2020 symposium where Prof. Barsukov was invited to give a talk on nonlinear spin dynamics in nanomagnets is postponed until further notice due to COVID-19.

Mar 2020: Our SHINES-collaborative paper on SAF-based spin Josephson oscillator is published in Appl. Phys. Lett.

Mar 2020: The Intermag in Montreal where Prof. Barsukov was invited to give a talk on nonlinear spin dynamics in nanomagnets is cancelled due to COVID-19.

Feb 2020: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the Center for Memory and Recording Research, UC San Diego.

Feb 2020: Prof. Barsukov attends the award ceremony as UCR's Junior Excellence in Teaching Distinguished faculty.

Jan 2020: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the Condensed Matter Seminar (dept of physics), UC San Diego.

Dec 2019: Our educational paper on magnetic resonance is published in The Physics Teacher.

Nov 2019: Our lab visits the Partiot high-school of Jurupa Valley with demonstration experiments on magnetism and spintronics.

Nov 2019: Students from the Palms AVID high-school visit our lab to learn about magnetism and spintronics.

Nov 2019: The paper on 'Resonant non-linear damping in nanomagnets' is featured in 'UCR Life'.

Nov 2019: Bassim Arkook presents a talk on 'Microwave Spectroscopy of Individual FM/2D Microstructures' at the MMM conference in Las Vegas. David Nelson presents a poster on 'Exploring Magnetic Resonance with a Compass'. Prof. Barsukov serves as a member of the Program Committee.

Oct 2019: Magnon scattering redefines how nanomagnets respond to spin currents. A study on resonant non-linear spin response in nanoscale magnets has been published in Science Advances.

Oct 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a talk on long-range spin transport at SHINES All-Hands Meeting.

Oct 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a physics colloquium at the California State University Long Beach.

Oct 2019: Our lab represents the Dept of Physics and Astronomy at this year's Long Night of Arts and Innovations. Students from our group and Astro Club, and Development Technicians inspire and educate hundreds of kids and adults in downtown Riverside.

Sep 2019: David and Keanu appear on the postcard of UCR Physics Program.

Aug 2019: David Nelson and Stephen Iota graduate as BSc (Physics) from our lab. Congratulations!

Aug 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the SPIE Spintronics conference in San Diego, CA.

Aug 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a talk at EFRC review with the US Department of Energy in Washington DC. Arezoo and Rudy present our research with two posters.

June 2019: We provide lab tours and present demonstration experiments developed in our lab to local teachers of the Physics Teacher Academy.

June 2019: Prof. Barsukov receives 'Junior Excellence in Teaching Award' by the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, UCR.

June 2019: David Nelson receives Brown Williams Undergraduate Award for Outstanding Achievements.

Apr 2019: Prof. Barsukov speaks at the Society of Physics Students at UC Riverside.

May 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the Southern California Condensed Matter Meeting, USC, Los Angeles.

Mar 2019: Prof. Barsukov receives the recognition as outstanding referee by Communications Physics.

Mar 2019: David Nelson's poster presented at the annual SHINES meeting by Arezoo Etesamirad receives a best poster award (3rd place).

Mar 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a talk at the annual meeting of the SHINES research center.

Mar 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a physics colloquium at the University of Wyoming in Laramie.

Mar 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a physics colloquium at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

Mar 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a condensed matter seminar at University of Delaware.

Jan 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a talk on micro-scale microwave spectroscopy at the SHINES All-hands meeting.

Jan 2019: Hassan Al-Ghamdi and Abdulrahman Al-Bariqi graduate with MSc in Physics. Congratulations!

Jan 2019: Prof. Barsukov delivers a talk on exchange-mediated spin flows at the Joint Intermag-MMM 2019 Conference in Washington D.C.

Jan 2019: Prof. Barsukov accepts an invitation to serve on the program committee for the MMM 2019 conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Dec 2018: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited seminar on magnon condensates and spin superfluidity at University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Dec 2018: Prof. Barsukov gives a series of invited lectures on magnetism at University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Nov 2018: Bassim Arkook delivers a talk on spin dynamics in coupled spin systems at the SHINES seminar.

Sept 2018: Our lab receives the collaborative DoE-EFRC grant "Spins and Heat in Nanoscale Electronic Systems".

Sept 2018: Prof. Barsukov has been elected to Divisional Executive Committee MIND of the American Vacuum Society.

Sept 2018: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited seminar talk at the Nijmegen University, Netherlands.

Sept 2018: Prof. Barsukov is on a research stay at the University Duisburg-Essen and Helmholtz Research Center Dresden, Germany.

Aug 2018: Our lab receives NSF grant "Spin torque devices driven by tailored spin currents".

Jul 2018: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited symposium talk at the Intl Conference on Magnetism in San Francisco, CA.

Jun 2018: Erik Hagen joins our group as Undergraduate Student Researcher.

Jun 2018: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited talk at the Spin Caloritronics conference in Columbus, OH.

Jun 2018: Our team presents demonstration experiments on magnetism and spintronics for the Summer Teacher Academy.

Jun 2018: Esther Cookson graduates with BSc in physics. Congratulations!

Apr 2018: Highlander Day at UCR: Prof. Barsukov presents Condensed Matter Research and gives lab tours.

Mar 2018: Stephen Iota joins our lab as Undergraduate Student Researcher.

Mar 2018: Bassim Arkook delivers a talk at the APS March Meeting on magnon condensation in coupled spin systems.

Jan 2018: Bassim Arkook receives the APS Student Travel Award.

Dec 2017: Prof. Barsukov delivers an invited seminar on magnetism at the Teacher Academy Workshop.

Nov 2017: Bassim Arkook delivers a talk at the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference on YIG/Py spin-torque oscillator nanodevices.

Oct 2017: Discover Day at UCR: Esther Cookson develops and our group presents an outreach program to the public.

Oct 2017: Esther Cookson develops and our group presents an outreach program at the Long Night of Arts and Innovation in Riverside Downtown. Hundreds of visitors are excited to see demonstration experiments on electromagnetism and spintronics. Our group receives a thank-you letter from the Mayor of Riverside.

Sep 2017: Bassim Arkook receives a Student Travel Award of the IEEE Magnetics Society.

Jun 2017: Rodolfo Rodriguez graduates as BSc (physics).